Tag Archives: growing

Howto Grow Reishi Mushrooms + Reishi Tea

Disclaimer This Web site — Information About Herbs, Botanicals and Other Products — is for general health information only. This Web site is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. Users of this Web site should not rely on information provided on this Web site for their own health problems. Any questions regarding your own health should be addressed to your own physician or other healthcare provider. Gardening & More/raygrowtx makes no warranties nor express […]

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Growing Pearl Oyster Mushrooms at Home

We grew mushrooms from a mushroom growing kit. Showed the begining, middle, and after effects of the growing. Took a long time but the end results are fantastic. This is a video from my old channel, AccordingtoAdam1826, that was closed due to uncertain circumstances. We are back on the new channel, Adam hall000, and posting all of the old videos. These videos are property of Adam Hall. This plant (fungus) information and statements in these videos are for educational purposes only and should not be construed to […]

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The Conditions Needed for Mushroom Growing

More and more people are becoming interested in mushroom growing. There are a good many reasons for this. Firstly, there’s the simple issue of the increased cost of living. Most people find that any way that cuts down on living expenses is one that is eminently useful. Now, most would think that growing one’s own food would be too much bother, but when that food is mushrooms, you’ll find that it’s hardly any bother at all. Of course, this depends to a great extent on the scale […]

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Mushroom Growing for the Ambitious Commercial Planter

So what sort of person does best at mushroom growing? It’s a cliché, of course, but there are people and there are people. And while some people are happy enough with their daily routine, there are those others who wish they could reach for the stars. Well, that same philosophy could apply to mushroom growing, at least facetiously speaking. Not that reaching for the stars is any real part of mushroom growing, but while some people who grow mushrooms are quite satisfied with growing them out of […]

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Making the Right Growth Medium Needed for Mushroom Growing

Most people who go in for mushroom growing just go out and buy both the spores (or spawn) and the growth medium. They do this because this is the easiest way to grow mushrooms. But if you are thinking of growing mushrooms commercially, this can add massively to your costs. Or at least, it can add to your costs to an unacceptable extent. If this is the problem you’re facing, this article will tell you how to cut down on those costs by making the growth medium […]

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How to Use a Greenhouse for Mushroom Growing

Everyone knows that mushroom growing needs a dark, moist area. But many people don’t realize that one can actually arrange an area that is sufficiently moist and dark in one’s own greenhouse. The fact that people don’t realize that they can potentially grow mushrooms right in their own greenhouse means that they often don’t use this optimal place, even when they have it at their disposal. It’s true that a greenhouse may not seem like an optimal location in which to go about your mushroom growing at […]

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How Long Does Mushroom Growing Take

Just how much time should it take you to harvest mushrooms from your mushroom growing. Well, if you like large mushrooms, these can take up to three months to mature fully. This means that if you want to have a mushroom meal regularly, you’re going to have to use a little strategy. The first strategy, of course, is to plant a great many mushrooms. The second strategy is to plant the spore or spawn in different areas of your mushroom beds at different times. Since the mushrooms […]

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Getting Your Mushrooms to Bud

The simple fact is that mushroom growing is rather easy. All you have to do is follow a few simple tips and the mushrooms will virtually grow themselves. Two things that mushrooms need to grow exceptionally well are the right temperature and the right levels of temperature. But what many people don’t know is that these levels of temperature may require changing at different stages of the mushroom growing process. That is to say, that mushrooms spores that are just putting out mycelia need a different range […]

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