Category Archives: Growing Mushrooms At Home

Growing Mushrooms in your Garden

Growing mushrooms can be an integral part of your outdoor annual or permaculture garden. In the following video you will learn how to set up a number of systems for growing a whole range of mushrooms. A woodchip system is ideal for growing winecap mushrooms.  Winecaps will also do really well in the mulch around established fruit and nut trees.  Once established around trees they will reappear each season for a new crop, that is they become a perennial. There’s also a way to grow oyster mushrooms […]

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How to Use a Greenhouse for Mushroom Growing

Everyone knows that mushroom growing needs a dark, moist area. But many people don’t realize that one can actually arrange an area that is sufficiently moist and dark in one’s own greenhouse. The fact that people don’t realize that they can potentially grow mushrooms right in their own greenhouse means that they often don’t use this optimal place, even when they have it at their disposal. It’s true that a greenhouse may not seem like an optimal location in which to go about your mushroom growing at […]

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All the Information You Need to Set Up a Mushroom Growing Operation

If you have some spare area in an outhouse or even in your cellar or garage, you can utilize it for mushroom growing, which are tasty, nutritious and a great source of organic protein. Remember that food that you grow yourself will always be guaranteed to be free of harmful fertilizers and pesticides, as well as of all the subtle array of bio-chemicals that commercial food providing companies today use to maximize yields. If you’re at all conscious of the food you eat, and if you want […]

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The Basics of Mushroom Growing

Many people don’t realize that mushroom growing is something that can be done right in their own greenhouse. And since mushrooms are such a wonderful food, this can be a superb addition to one’s diet. However, you may need to change things about in your greenhouse if you want to grow mushrooms, because the one thing these edible fungi cannot stand is too much light. Yes, they can tolerate a little light, but perhaps I should modify that statement and say that they can tolerate a VERY […]

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